Aduh…sebenarnya post ini pengen dari bulan kemaren diupload tp karena gwnya sendiri jg very interest ama ni program, jadi fokus ngelamar-lamar gitu deh…hehe..!!! (doain y..biar dapet). O ya, ni program intinya scholarship buat learn english di negara USA selama 8 minggu full grant..yah, itung2 kursus sembari jalan2 di negeri orang. Syaratnya ga terlalu rumit ko..:
- be 19-24 years of age
- be an undergraduate student at least on the fifth semester (3rd year) in any field of study from any university in Indonesia
- be proficient in English with a minimum TOEFL®ITP score of 470 ( not a prediction test)
- be committed in returning to their home universities immediately after the program
- indicate a serious interest in learning about the United States
- have a sustained high level of academic achievement
- have had no prior study in the United States or elsewhere outside of Indonesia
- be mature, responsible, independent, confident, open-minded, tolerant, thoughtful and inquisitive
- be willing and able to full participate in an intensive academic program
Klo mo lebih jelas lagi lihat di > Selamat mencoba..
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